Independent Fundamental and Interdisciplinary Scientific Research

This is the place where one can enhance their scientific research, approach, method, even find data. 



ResearchComp: The European Competence Framework for Researchers

ResearchComp is an excellent framework for the career development and skill improvement of current and prospective researchers.

-The original EC Office of Publication document for ResearchComp:

IFISR Turkish translation:

-The original independent expert report for ResearchComp: Knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA - Publications Office of the EU ( 

IFISR Turkish translation for Annex-5, ResearchComp competence descriptions:

Data Lookup

So many data are also present directly within manuscripts or outside of well-known data storages. 

This section contains living documents compiling data-containing articles, projects, or other media to increase the availability of the scientific data for all researchers.

-Environmental Quality

-Water Quality

-Surface Water Quality